Connecting Communities in Coulsdon

ECRA logo, Logo of Yujefest, Logo of FINE TOAD, logo of The Hive and picture of Family Network

If you feel like part of a community, then you are! This could mean anything from a hobby, where people connect over like-minded interests or your actual local community where you get out and meet people and/or online. In any town, and in Coulsdon we can really feel this is thriving, there are multiple community groups that can be completely disjointed, doing their own thing on their own, as well as connected even just by one or two people or links online. If not, we hope to find them and help them connect. A wider audience, even if this doesn’t actually expand your community directly, and reach will bring benefits of knowledge, diversity and inclusion, understanding and collaboration, we believe.

Our aim through Fine Toad is to connect more groups and people, and it is already happening, creating a more connected local community. We have made contact in Coulsdon and nearby with landlords and agents and those looking for shops and premises, current shop owners looking to stay, expand or move on and talked to them, in our search or premises for Fine Toad. We are sharing our ideas with our existing network from business networking and more recently connected with and supporting The Hive, a new initiative with locals working to create a community garden behind Coulsdon Library.

Eleanor is on East Coulsdon Residents Association committee, Smitham Primary PTA, has been attending and running business networking events for years locally, being a member or BNI Emerald Chapter who meet at Chisptead Golf Club and is branch leader for The Family Network (East Surrey). Wendy has an extensive business network online and locally from years of small business networking, working on the original Purley Festival, Paint Purley Purple for South East Cancer Help Centre, Chipstead Valley Primary PTA, organising Tweetups (social meetups organised on Twitter), providing business talks and workshops to local groups and supporting Coulsdon’s Yulefest.

We have been using our network and social media to share what our plans are and attracted people within our existing networks and new people to get involved in different communities and groups to make contact about joining, learning about or using Fine Toad.

Whether you’re just interested in a new shop coming to Coulsdon high street, are interested in getting involved in anything local or are involved in a network or community that we might not be aware of or connected with yet, please do get in touch.

Wendy and Eleanor



Twitter - where we are sharing local information


Coulsdon’s parks and Green Spaces


Better Business Act