Retail premises in Coulsdon

Coulsdon Town Centre

We’ve been actively looking for retail premises to buy in Coulsdon since October 2021. This is proving harder than first imagined, as most landlords seem to want to continue to lease the various parts to tenants. This is what Eleanor wants to do but, being local and community focussed, to invest in the long-term future of Coulsdon high street and also support it by being a good landlord and offering more variety, in a shared retail space for the local community and businesses, through Fine Toad.

The idea behind Fine Toad is to offer an affordable way for businesses to get onto the high street, and diversify and improve what’s on offer in the shops in Coulsdon and to encourage people to use our town centre more, to help it thrive.

So far, we have managed to get hold of owners, agents, landlords of several retail premises that are empty, available or becoming available.

If you are or know a landlord of premises in Coulsdon town centre (or very close by) that might be looking to sell their premises, then please put us in touch - 07900 806571

If you might be interested in joining us or working with us when we have premises, in any capacity, for use of space; whether to rent a shelf, run workshops, maybe use office or desk space, for meetings or events please get in touch now or sign up to our newsletter, so you are kept informed and we can register your interest.

Thank you

Wendy and Eleanor

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A busman’s holiday: from shopping centres to Fine Toad


What’s in Coulsdon town centre?