Why the name FineToad?

How we got to the name Fine Toad.

Starting with the concept of a shared retail space, we came up with many ideas for names. Then we put the idea out to our network and heard from service businesses interested in office or space for co-working, like Matthews Yard. Some self-employed business owners want a place to run workshops or events, so if we can facilitate this it becomes more than a retail shop. We are happy for it to evolve and facilitate what people need, with whatever works in the space we get.

We still had a couple of pages-worth of ideas but we steered away from anything too business-like and anything too maker or arty/crafty or eco-related, though we are pretty eco-conscious and want to be as sustainable as possible.

Coulsdon is our base but we didn’t want a name tied to location (most of Matthews Yard isn’t at Matthews Yard any more!) and because we haven’t found premises yet. This place is intended to be permanent, so any pop-up shop names were also ‘out’. Business names and domains already in use were obviously taken off the list too.

It’s good marketing and business-sense to avoid words that are used regularly and, liking the sound of the created names of local shops like Calladoodles, Chickidee and ones in Coulsdon, CozyGlow, Roomium and Bombalicious, we talked about making something up for ourselves.

Another way was to try anagrams and that is how we came up with the name. Fine Toad is an anagram of two names connected with Eleanor. If you can work it out, we’d guess you might know her quite well, or just be good at anagrams! Once we’d got the name Fine Toad that also made it fairly easy to make a suitable logo and choose our colours too.

Thanks to Jennie at Mugglebee for making our Fine Toad branding, logo and website, we love it!

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